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Whose Side Are You On? New Trailer for The Expanse Season 2


Whose Side Are You On? New Trailer for The Expanse Season 2

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Movies & TV The Expanse

Whose Side Are You On? New Trailer for The Expanse Season 2


Published on December 8, 2016


Everyone on The Expanse has a dream: Bobbie wants to see Mars green and lush; Holden wants Earth, Mars, and the Belt to be on the same team. But instead he’s leading a space station assault, and she and her team are trying to defend a rocky Mars while rallying support to fight back. Syfy has released a new trailer for season 2 of The Expanse, which builds on everything we’re anticipated for about the series’ return: A strong Martian perspective courtesy of Bobbie, the crew of the Rocinante evolving into yet another new role, and Chrisjen Avasarala trying to keep things together down on Earth.

Or, as Entertainment Weekly puts it, “explosions, and half-naked people making out, and lots of tense diplomatic relations between warring galactic factions.” But really, Naomi best sums it up, when Holden asks if she’s scared: “I’m angry.” Watch the new trailer:

The Expanse returns February 1 on Syfy.

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Natalie Zutter


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